Welcome to the official support page for the Zendrum STOMPBLOCK
Zendrum Studio Integration
Follow these simple steps to add the STOMPBLOCK map file to your Zendrum Studio installation.
- Download the official STOMPBLOCK mapping file for your MicroSD card(s)
- Open Zendrum Studio and select `Mapping Management` from the `View` menu
- Click the 'Import' button to open a file browser
- Browse to downloaded files and import them. The new mappings are now available within your Zendrum Studio projects.
`Zendrum STOMPBLOCK` should now be available when assigning channel mappings.
Using the Online Editor
MacOS, Windows, Linux
Attach your STOMPBLOCK to your computer via a USB cable and launch the editor. Any current, standards-compliant browser should work fine, though we recommend Google Chrome.
You can also make edits using your Android based phone or tablet, though you will need a cable adaptor. These are called "On the Go" or OTG USB adaptors.
There is a similar USB adaptor for iOS devices and while iOS will recognize the STOMPBLOCK as a MIDI Device, at this time there is no browser which supports the WebMIDI SysEx specification and therefore the editor will not function properly.
Making Manual Edits
You can edit the trim values of individual instruments even when you don't have access to a computer.
- Hold down MUTE for 2 seconds and release. All leds will begin blinking
- Select an instrument by hitting the associated trigger
- Adjustments you make with the volume knob will affect that instruments trim value
- Repeat as needed by selecting another instrument
- Press any button to exit
Performing a Factory Reset
The following steps will clear any edits you've made to your STOMPBLOCK and return it to its default configuration. These steps are not reversible.
- Hold down DEMO for 2 seconds. The MUTE led will begin to flash
- Press MUTE to confirm reset -- press any other button to abort
Extended MIDI Implementation
The MIDI IN (DIN) connector responds to the following change control messages.
- CC #7 : Volume
- CC #9 : Sensitivity
- CC #85 : Same as pressing the MUTE button
- CC #86 : Same as pressing the THRU button
- CC #87 : Same as pressing the DEMO button
- CC #123 : Panic, all notes off
Tips and Tricks
- All MIDI data received on the DIN port are echoed out both the USB and DIN OUT ports when THRU is engaged, even if MUTE is engaged. This allows you to daisy chain MIDI sound sources and selectively choose which is active. For example, if you have a second sound source attached to the MIDI OUT port, then engaging MUTE and THRU will enable sound output only on the second device. Disengaging MUTE and THRU will have sounds come only from the STOMPBLOCK, and engaging THRU will have sounds coming from both.
- The STOMPBLOCK also acts as a MIDI to USB adaptor. You can use it to send any MIDI data from the input to your computer.
- SysEx dump and receive through the USB port also works and you can use Zendrum Studio to send/receive settings for your Zendrum with the STOMPBLOCK attached.
- If you assign the momentary switch on your Zendrum to be #123, you can use it as a rudimentary cymbal mute.
- If you have CC knobs on your Zendrum, consider using them to control volume (CC#7) or sensitivity (CC#9)
- The STOMPBLOCK is not limited to use with a Zendrum. It speaks universal MIDI and will work with any other controller. Use the client app to change the MIDI channel if required.